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Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Heart Rocks

One summer I walked around on the beach with my head down searching for heart rocks. They had to be shaped like a heart. I can remember finding some at Lawrencetown Beach, Martinique Beach and one at Black's Harbour while waiting for the ferry to Grand Manan Island to visit my cousins. It is  beautiful island and if you ever have a chance to go, I recommend. Here are two links about GM Island.
I want to return to this peaceful little Isle, bring my bicycle and ride, ride, ride. The second link has a hiking and cycling page.
Here are the photos of Heart Rocks.
The above photo is the Blacks Harbour Heart Rock. As an OBS nurse I bet you know what I think of that little bit of seaweed which happened to be sitting on the rock!!

The three above were noticed at Lawrencetown Beach NS while out for one of the few early evening walks last summer.

Last but not least are the Martinique Beach NS heart rocks.
I hope you enjoy the Heart Rock Photos. Remember too that as long as your heart is beating your heart rocks too! And I will finish this short blog with a phrase my brother Bill from Banff always say, "Rock On"

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